Customer Complaint Policy

The Apprenticeship Factory welcomes feedback from customers as it provides an opportunity to review and improve procedures.

Customer complaints may be received by any staff member at anytime.  Staff must be able to distinguish between a customer query regarding operational issues and a genuine complaint about poor service.

Customer complaints shall be recorded on a customer complaint form and must include what action the customer expects to resolve the complaint.

Where the complaint is via phone, the customer is not required to sign the form but notation should be made by the staff member of the date and time of the phone call.

The customer complaint form should be lodged with the relevant department head who is required to investigate the compliant in a timely manner.

The department head will recommend what corrective action needs to be taken and this recommendation must be approved by the CEO.

The department head will communicate actions and recommendations to the customer.

If the complaint is resolved no further action is required and relevant files to be updated.

If the customer is not satisfied with recommendations, they are to be referred to the CEO who will liaise with customer to finalise complaint.

If the customer is not satisfied with the outcome can alternatively contact the VRQA who is the regulatory authority for Group Training organisations and they can be contacted on 1300 722 603 or via email at 

Stakeholder Complaint Form 152 KB PDF file

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